Trinity Pacific Church is not a building or a place, but a people—dynamic and changing, loving and being loved, struggling and sharing in struggle.
Visitor Information
Sunday Worship Service, in person and via Zoom at 11am.
As you enter the church building you’ll be greeted by a friendly face and given a bulletin that contains information about the service and upcoming events taking place in our church. You may also pick up brochures containing more information about Trinity Pacific. Our services typically include music (both traditional and contemporary), reading of scripture, prayers and a sermon. Everyone is welcome and we hope that you will always leave our church home feeling encouraged, challenged and uplifted!
We also make available a Communication Card that you may use to provide us with your contact information, questions, comments, and prayer requests. We’ll send you any information you request, including notes about upcoming events should you be interested. We will not solicit you in any way. Please drop this card in one of the offering plates during the service.